The Faculty of Communication (FIKOM) of Gunadarma University conducted a comparative study visit to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science (FISIP) of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta on January 31, 2025. The visit took place at Campus II of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta and was attended by a delegation from FIKOM Gunadarma University, which included the Dean of FIKOM, Prof. Dr. Tuti Widiastuti, the Vice Dean for Curriculum, Dr. Kiayati Yusriyah, the Vice Dean for Finance, Dr. Kiayati Yusriyah, the Head of the Bachelor’s Program in Communication, Dr. Christiana Wulandari, and the Secretary of the Bachelor’s Program in Communication, Dr. Christiana Wulandari.
This comparative study activity aimed to learn from each other and exchange experiences in faculty management, curriculum development, and explore collaboration opportunities between the two institutions. During this occasion, both faculties shared best practices and innovations in education, particularly related to communication and political science.
The Dean of FISIP UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Dr. Susanta, M.Si., warmly welcomed the arrival of the FIKOM Gunadarma delegation. In his speech, Dr. Susanta expressed his interest in establishing further cooperation with Gunadarma University. "We are very interested in exploring the potential for collaboration with Gunadarma University, especially since this university has a unique characteristic that combines the humanities and technology. This is a combination that is very relevant to the development of the times," he stated.
Prof. Dr. Tuti Widiastuti, Dean of FIKOM Gunadarma University, also expressed her appreciation for the warm welcome from FISIP UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. "We are very grateful for this opportunity. This comparative study visit is not only a chance to learn but also to strengthen the relationship between the two institutions. We believe that the collaboration between the humanities and technology will have a positive impact on the development of education in Indonesia," she expressed.
This visit is expected to be a starting point for creating more concrete cooperation between FIKOM Gunadarma University and FISIP UPN Veteran Yogyakarta. Several collaboration plans that have been discussed include student and faculty exchanges, research collaboration, and the development of study programs relevant to industry and community needs.
With a spirit of collaboration and innovation, both faculties are committed to continuing their contributions to advancing higher education in Indonesia, especially in facing the challenges of an increasingly dynamic digital era.